Engagement Party

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Ass Fuck

It was Friday night; the clock in my office had just clicked over informing me that I was in serious danger of missing half price drinks at ‘Benny’s’. Of course this served to only further piss me off, and my mood took another step closer towards Nietzsche’s abyss.

The problem though, wasn’t the fact that I was about to miss those half price drinks, but the fact that I had to finish this brief, the one I had been procrastinating about for the past two weeks, and the very one my father expected in his hands first thing tomorrow morning. One of the things most people seem to think is that when the boss is your father, you have it made. Obviously most of those people haven’t met my father, a more cantankerous, stuck up royal pain in the ass, Type A personality couldn’t be imagined.

As the CEO of one of the top ten law firms in our fair state, my father plays it straight down the line. He represents everyone, whether they are the garbage collector or the mayor. Actually now that I think about it, I take that back, I remember him telling the mayor of our fair city to go fuck himself last week, so I guess the mayor will have to go elsewhere for his legal advice, but Tim the garbo is still welcome. Even Dad isn’t stupid enough to fuck with the garbage collector.

Anyway you get the picture, my father was the Devil incarnate and I wasn’t going to get near a beer tonight. Just when I thought it couldn’t possibly get any worse, a knock on my door was quickly followed by the appearance of my self appointed nemesis Roger. I have to spend a moment on Roger as he’s crucial to the story, imagine a guy about 5’6”, average build in his late 30’s. He’s got thinning blonde hair; watery blue eyes that remind me of someone with sinus problems, and a nose that looked like someone had used it as a punching bag. Roger also suffered from a sagging belly and poor posture. All in all you could be forgiven for thinking this guy was one of Gods losers (I certainly thought he was). The trouble though was that God in his infinite wisdom had granted Roger a formidable intellect, which my father, bless his soul, seemed to care more about then me.

Why Roger annoyed me so much, I have no idea, but annoy me he did. And as I have already mentioned, I was already pissed off, so seeing Roger in my doorway only pissed me off more. Of course I was too professional to make this really obvious.

“ Hi Mark, saw your light on and just wanted to remind you about tomorrow night”

“Tomorrow night???” (oh fuck)

“Remember my engagement party…”

“Of course, sorry my minds a million miles away with this brief, what time again?”

“7 for 7.30, see you then, I have to run, ciao”

Just fucking great, not only do I miss going out tonight, but tomorrow night I’m going to be stuck at Rogers engagement party FUCKKKK. Of course I hadn’t forgot his engagement party, I had no intention of going in the first place, Nietzsche’s abyss suddenly took on the appearance of a tropical holiday in the sun, compared to a night of Rogers company. I groaned loudly bemoaning my sorry fate and sullenly returned to the brief.

At 8.30 the following morning, brief in hand I knocked and entered into Dad’s office. As usual he was there with his secretary Ms Schaeffer. Trudi Schaeffer had been Dad’s secretary since he had opened, and just between you and me I’m pretty sure she was fucking him. After all how many other secretaries come in on a Saturday?

“Heres the brief on the Thompson case” I dropped it on his desk.

He glanced at it, and then said, “Fine grab a seat we’ve got some work to do”.

Work, what the fuck, its Saturday

“Umm I’ve got plans, is this going to take long”?

“As long as it takes” the old bastard said and before my eyes my Saturday evaporated.

At 5.30 that afternoon I finally managed to get out of there, I left the office silently cursing, and wishing all kinds of incurable diseases on my fathers head. As I walked out of the office into the cold and wet late afternoon I suddenly remembered I still had to go to Rogers that evening FUCKKK. Then I remembered that I hadn’t bought them a present, FUCKKKK again.

Getting home I tried to imagine ways of solving my dilemma, I could ring up and cancel, offer some bullshit excuse for not going. Trouble was, everybody from the office was going to be there, fuck it I would just have to go. I showered and changed into a fresh suit; glancing at the clock I realised I was running out of time.

Jumping in my car I put the pedal to the metal and hustled over to my friendly liquor store, I ran in plucked 2 bottles of Scotch and 2 of Bourbon off the shelf and with a wave I told Steve to put it on my tab. Lucky for me I’m one of Steve’s best customers and he just gave me a nod. Back in the car and another drive to the local pharmacy, run inside pick up the first engagement card I can find, pay for it and quickly write some pithy platitude inside. Then it’s back in the car and off to Rogers.

As I drive over I suddenly realise I’ve never gaziantep escortları met his fiancée Kathy, well I shouldn’t beat myself up I say to myself, it’s not like Roger and I move in the same circles, and as long as I can avoid it we won’t be. Anyway it gives me something to think about as I finish the drive over to Rogers’s townhouse, what kind of woman, does a man like Roger attract? I shudder at the mental image appearing in my head, and continue the drive in an ever more depressed mood.

My night suddenly takes a turn for the better however when I get to Rogers house, and discover that Roger to his ever lasting credit, has hired a couple of kids to park the cars, thus removing a long and aggravating walk. Making my way up the stairs I hear the soft noise of a party in progress and as I get closer and the volume increases, my mood gradually improves, there’s nothing I like better than a party, even if it does happen to be at Rogers.

The door to Rogers’s apartment is wide open, so I just walk in casually nodding to a few of my fellow workmates. A small cheer echoes around the room as people recognise me, and more importantly for them, notice the free booze I’ve brought with me. Suddenly Roger is at my side shaking my hand with a big stupid smile on his face. I present him with the booze and then remembering the card awkwardly hand it over to him.

For a moment he just stares at it and then says

“Oh God Mark I apologise you haven’t met Kathy have you”

I just smile and then before I can say anything else he disappears back into the crowd. As he vanishes I smile at some of the other guests, including a cute trainee I noticed for the first time last week, and then go and fix myself a drink from the bar Roger that set up.

Drink in hand I move to one side of the room to take in the scenery, the apartment has a stylishness about that I wouldn’t have expected of Roger, plenty of art about including several pieces I wouldn’t have minded myself. Nice furniture tastefully decorated, and state of the art electrical equipment to make life that little bit easier. Looking around I was beginnining to re-evaluate my opinion about Roger.

As I was gazing around several co-workers gradually came over to say hello, all of them still relatively sober and therefore still conscious that it was the boss’s son they were talking to. Therefore the small talk was mostly work orientated and deadly boring. As if to further emphasise the dreary night ahead of me I heard Roger talking, and by the sounds of it walking towards me

“Ah here you are, thought I’d lost you already, Mark meet my beautiful wife to be Kathy, Kathy, Mark”

At his introduction I turned around and there before me stood a woman who was most definitely not what I was expecting. In front of me standing beside Roger was a woman almost exactly my own height which in itself was enough of a shock that it took me a moment to take the rest of her in. As Kathy smiled and lifted her hand out I gave her the quick once over, she stood almost 6’0”, had long jet black hair that trailed down her back and had a style of body that could best be described as rubenesque. However because of her height she didn’t appear to be fat or obese, just, big.

Taking her hand finally, I spent a moment studying her face. The hair, which I have already described was very long and smelt deliciously of green apples, and framed a face that was full and soft with skin that was luminescent, amazing I thought that women can sometimes have faces of angels. Her eyes were a startlingly blue and stared boldly and intelligently into my own. The rest of her features were all perfectly proportioned, a sensual mouth grinned at me from underneath a rather Imperial looking nose, which went well with her chin that had a look of stubbornness about it. Interesting I thought to myself, very interesting.

As I took her hand into my own, Kathy noticing my attention, brought me not so subtly back into the real world.

“Hello Mark, I’m so glad we’ve finally had a chance to meet, Roger has told me so much about you”

Her voice was soft, smooth and very assured, with that type of accent, that makes you wonder whether or not swearing is acceptable around them. Her introduction brought me back to reality quick smart, just what had that little bastard been telling this fascinating woman about me I wondered. Not really knowing what to say I came back with the old comeback.

“All good I hope, Roger”

Roger just laughed blushing slightly, bastard I thought to myself. If Roger had told Kathy the half of my reputation then it was obvious I was going to be on the back foot for a while. I wish I could say that my reputation is entirely undeserved but unfortunately for me, the best and juiciest of the gossip about me is mostly true. Smiling curiously to herself Kathy draped her hand around my elbow and with all the grace and style of a movie star, led me through house into another room where the atmosphere was a little friendlier (filled with all the drunks from the office I noticed), stopping just inside the room she smiled at me again in her curious way and just left me there.

Just fucking great I thought to myself, stuck in a side room with all the drunks and halfwits of the office while the rest of the party spends its time sucking up each others asses. I quickly moved over to the bar (every room seemed to be equipped with a bar) and helped myself to a large Scotch. Just as quickly I moved back to the corner of the room where I happened to find myself staring into a large mirror.

For a moment I stood there looking at myself, trying to see what it was everyone else saw, a man around 6’2”, black hair cut short in his early thirties with a reasonably fit and tanned body. The short hair and fit body were reminders of my stint in the Army, old habits die-hard and I still tried hard to maintain an exercise schedule that kept me in some sort of shape.

As I looked a little closer I noticed perhaps for the first time how much I was starting to resemble my father as well. Pointed nose and jaw combined with a firm mouth allowed me to mimic almost exactly, my father’s arrogance. My grey eyes stared back insolently, reminding me of the devil within, I hunched my shoulder and turned back to face the crowd, giving some thought to my well deserved reputation.

Now just before you start thinking I’m one of those drug addicts or wino’s that can’t handle their booze just give me a moment to explain. Drugs, alcohol or even little children aren’t the cause of my somewhat sinister reputation at the office. Unfortunately for me my vice is much more dangerous for a soon to be partner of a respectable law firm.

My vice unfortunately happens to be women, any sort of woman will do, I’m proud to think of myself as one of those non-discriminatory men when it comes to women. However the problem not only lies in the fact that I like women but in the fact that I prefer those women to be married.
Needless to say fucking other men’s wives is not something I would recommend to the average punter if they care about maintaining any sort of friendship with their work colleagues. Not only that, but I’ve noticed that fucking someone else’s wife can be dangerous to ones health if one isn’t discreet. As you’ve probably already guessed though, I’m neither discreet, and nor do I give a rats ass about any of the other wankers at work. So as you can imagine there has been times where the atmosphere at work has been rather frosty to say the least.

I’m proud to say though that it’s been almost three weeks since I’ve fucked a married woman, and it’s been almost 5 weeks since some tosser has threatened to beat the shit out of me. So you can see that I’m learning, albeit slowly. Anyway while I was standing there reminiscing about my past indiscretions, I noticed that walking towards me was the cute (and I must say pert) little trainee whom I had noticed when I first walked in.

A gorgeous little piece even if I do say so myself, her red hair long and curly and falling softly down her back. Her face had a smattering of freckles and was as smooth as a peach. Pert breasts straining at her blouse which seemed to be missing the top button, revealing the edge of a lacy black bra. Looking down I saw a black skirt, with a tantalising slit up the side revealing a pair of shapely legs, balanced upon black stilettos.

Smiling as she walked over to me I couldn’t fail to notice the stares that were aimed at my direction from some of the other guests in the room, I didn’t need to be a clairvoyant to read their thoughts, ‘Marks up to his old tricks again’. Pushing their obvious jealous thoughts out of my mind I focused on this little angel who was now standing beside me, time to be Mr Suave.

“Hi there I don’t believe we’ve met, I’m Mark and your?”

“Hi, I’m Chantelle, your Mark Guarrera aren’t you, Mr Guarrera’s son?”

“Err yes that’s right” Fucking great someone’s been in her ear already

“Ohh how cool, I’ve been wanting to meet you all week” “You have?”

“Yes of course I’ve heard so much about you”

That’s it I’m going home, bastards

“Really and what have you heard?”

“Well…” She starts looking coyly at the ground


“Well let’s just say that you’re very popular Mark”

What the fuck, now what rumours are going around I think to myself.

“Popular,? And who would I be popular with then Chantelle?”

“Well I shouldn’t really say” there’s that coy look again.

“Oh well, I suppose I shouldn’t ask you to betray a confidant” I say.

“Why don’t we take a look around the house together and you can tell me a bit more about how popular I am, how does that sound?”

“OK, you’re sure your not to busy?” Staring provocatively into my eyes now

“Not at all lets go” Wolfish grin right back at her.

As we walk out of the room, I stare straight back at some of the guys looking at me, and give them an extra wide smile as I casually drape my arm around Chantelle’s shoulders, that would teach them the bastards.

Walking around the house with Chantelle on my arm did wonders for my mood and my ego, every now and then I would catch a jealous glance from the women, and once I caught a wink from a fellow colleague. As we past Kathy and Roger however, I noticed that Kathy just gave me that enigmatic little smile, whilst Roger just shook his head and turned away.

As we drifted away from the main party area and the noise subsided, we found ourselves in what had to be Rogers’s home theatre room. At the opposite end of the room, a large screen was fixed with the projector mounted midway across the room’s roof. For the seating Roger had placed what look to be actual cinema seating, although the chairs themselves were in deep burgundy colour and looked much more comfortable than the ones to be found in your average cinema.

Very nice I thought to myself, I looked down at Chantelle and she seemed to be just as impressed as I was. Returning my gaze, she moved away from me and sat down in one of the seats, as she did I noticed her skirt, short as it was, had ridden dangerously high up her thighs, she looked up at me with a smile on her face and made absolutely no attempt to cover her silk covered thighs.

Having a good idea of what was going to happen next, I turned around and walked back to the door closing it. Then slowly with my cock saying yes and my brain screaming no, I walked back over to Chantelle standing in front of her and looking down. The sight of those thighs with her skirt almost up around her waist was something to behold and my cock stirred beneath my pants. Chantelle noticing my bulge reached up with her right hand and started caressing my hardening cock.

It was all I could do to keep my Scotch from shaking out of my glass as her fingers pulled and tugged at my throbbing cock, then just when I thought she was only teasing me she leant forward and tugged at my belt and zipper. In a matter of moments my cock was out of my pants and being held by her hot little hands. At nine inches I know I’m not the biggest, but its nice and thick and I’ve never had any complaints yet.

Chantelle didn’t keep me in suspense for long, one hand stroked my cock and the other squeezed my balls, then her head leant forward, and I felt rather than saw her mouth moving over my cock. Her wet lips slid over my shaft and then back over the tip of my cock, which brought a moan of satisfaction from my lips. This was too much to bear; downing my scotch I dropped the glass on the carpeted floor and wrapped both of my hands around her long hair, softly pushing her head forward and back in time with my thrusting cock, which now wanted so much more.

The soft wet touch of her mouth was starting to take it’s effect and my cock and balls were starting to twitch and throb at every squeeze and lick, enough was enough I stepped back letting my cock drop away from her mouth, then without giving her time to think I pulled her up off the chair and in one quick motion turned her around and bent her over.

Having her where I wanted her I lifted her skirt up over her waist, and then grabbing the tops of her panty hose, slowly pulled them down trying not to tear them. Getting to her feet I realised that I had to take her shoes off so I spent a moment slipping her petite little feet out of her shoes and then gently removed her pantyhose. Now left with just her panties, I slid my hand up the inside of her thighs, gently but firmly forcing her to widen those well-toned thighs.

My hands moved their way up her thighs and soon found their way between her legs where just a small slip of a thong separated me from heaven. My cock throbbing and my own pants around my ankles gave me a sense of urgency, and her little thong went the way of her pantyhose only a lot quicker. Then I was left with perhaps the most dazzling little pussy I had seen in quite a long time. Nicely trimmed with just a showing of soft red hair, and a pair of lips that didn’t look like they had been parted before, God she looked tight.

My cock was throbbing but I couldn’t resist getting closer to that tight little pussy, so I dropped to my knees and slowly buried my face into her sweet pussy, my tongue slowly flicked up and down her slit bringing a soft moan from her lips. She smelt divine and my tongue was having a field day delving deeper and deeper into her warm pussy. My hands grabbed a hold of her ass cheeks and spread her legs and ass further apart so that I could gain better entry. Before me lay her tight little rosebud of an ass and I made a promise to myself that I would have to fuck that as well.
Her slit now wet and warm, was just begging to be fucked and my cock was aching for release, so I stood back up and positioned myself behind her with my aching cock pointed straight at her sweet little pussy. Slowly I brought the tip of my cock in line with her pussy and gave a little thrust sending the tip of my cock inside her. A gasp and moan told me she was ready for more and then I gently slid more and more of my cock inside her until I found myself buried all the way inside her, my balls forced up against her thighs.

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